Below is an estimated assignment date. Events such as beginning of school, Fall, Winter, or Spring Breaks, and end of school could cause the estimated assignment date to fluctuate.
We will attempt to meet this date but it is not a guarantee.
- Search by your last name, first name or both to find your place in line.
- The waiting list is updated every Friday. If you’ve recently added your permit number, please give us a few days to update the records.
The date listed is the estimated instructor assignment date. It is NOT the first day of your drives.
Students will be unable to see available drive dates until they have been assigned to an instructor.
On or near this date, look for your instructor assignment email with instructions on how to schedule the 6 lessons.
We will attempt to meet this date but it is not a guarantee.
Estimated wait times can change without notice. This may due, but not limited, to instructor availability.
- #N/A means your school location is no longer available for pick up or drop off. Please call the office to change locations.
- Want to change your pick up location? Please visit our waitlist site for current wait times in all areas.